

The Cross Training course brings a proposal that emphasizes evidence-based practice for transferable use of functional training models and applicable to professional practice based on a practical theoretical model of training. It is important to note that it is suitable for different audiences and contexts, ranging from sports to health and personal training to classes in small and large groups. In this sense, it is an approach that departs from the traditional model and offers something that can really be effectively transferred to everyday life.

In this course, we will present and discuss all the theoretical basis that guides the high intensity functional training. Among which will be addressed the scientific basis of this training, basics of assessment of movement and functionality, as well as content related to functional exercises and their application and real transfer. Moreover, the main movement patterns related to basic and inherent functional actions of the human being, the characteristics of multicomponent training sessions and, consequently, the methodological organization of a Cross Training session.

Nevertheless, this is an internationally recognized course for its quality and professionalism. In addition, it is Scientific Sport’s flagship course with an average rating of 9.8 per 1,000+ students who have tried this methodology worldwide. In this sense, this is a unique opportunity in the scenario that will surely be a differential for performance and professional growth.


Present, demonstrate, discuss and make professionals experience Scientific Sport’s Cross Training method;

Understand the fundamentals of High Intensity Functional Training;

Increase the possibilities of professional of Physical Education, as well show what there is in new in the Sport Sciences in the Fitness market;


Program content

– Scientific bases of functional training;

– Introduction to functional assessment and corrective exercises;

– Movement patterns and their uses in functional training;

– Introduction to functional assessment and corrective exercises;

– Movement patterns and uses in functional training;

– Basic lifting and Olympic weight lifting;

– Use of Kettlebell as a tool for functional training;

– Balance, coordination and instability, how to explore from the perspective of functionality?

– High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).


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